Firstly, I am sorry that you are having a hard time. Based on some of your past submissions, it is obvious that the cultish nature of this religion has really got a hold of you. I would suggest, as some already have, that you see a counselor, and no, it doesn't have to be someone that specializes in cults. It may be that you have to address other issues that are the underlayment of why the ORG affects you so much. You mention that you did not do well at the job where your mother works, and then you attribute some of that to the ORG's affect over your life. Speaking to a counselor will help you get to the root of that aspect of your personality that is sabotaging you. We all have something that affects our decision, our effort, our perspective. Please find someone that will help you address it. Ultimately, we have to move on. We are responsible for ourselves, our actions, our happiness. If the ORG is truly the cause of your distress, then their influence on you in unhealthy and unproductive. You need some help in addressing how to let go of that grip. It is similar to a romantic relationship that goes bad.....some move on with the idea that there are plenty of fish in the sea, others are consumed by the break up....I would expect most counselors could help address that sort of issue. Good luck.